Safe loading and unloading is now possible in any logistics center!

Modern logistic centers are based on rapid passage of goods, and on maintaining efficiency in cargo loading and unloading. Because of this pressure, many accidents occur during unloading and loading. Most of these relate to lack of communication between the truck driver and the workers at the loading platform. Indeed, there were many cases where forklifts were trapped in a moving truck, or fell as the truck pulled away from the platform.

The i-Stop system is designed precisely to prevent recurrence of these events. The truck driver who park at the platform will not be able to start unloading or loading goods before securing the truck’s tires with Solan’s unique stop-breaker: the i-Stop. Only when i-Stop is attached to the truck wheels it become possible to open the logistics center’s platform door and the truck can no longer move from its place. Now the forklift driver can perform his duties safely.

If the driver will decide to move the i-Stop there will be immediate two kinds of alerts: a 15 second horn warning that will allow the forklift driver to get out of the truck and back to the platform safely. In addition, a red LED light will appear indicating that whoever is currently inside the truck must return to the platform

Advantages of the i-Stop System:

  • i-Stop is a wireless system that communicates with the logistics center without the need for electrical wiring or communication cables
  • i-Stop will not break under any truck weight. It is made of metal and has a unique global control unit
  • The existing i-Stop control system function with a battery that can be replaced once a year
  • Easy maintenance with no electric cables wear and tear
  • i-Stop does not disrupt existing communication frequencies in the logistics center
  • The system does not limit loading or unloading. A ByPass button enables openning doors and regular maintenance work by authorize personnel 
  • Conformity: The system works with any kind of truck and any kind of electrical door
  • The system will function smoothly also in places that has no electrical doors
  • The system uses traffic lights to monitor the precise wheel placement of i-Stop, in order to improve loading and unloading safety. 
  • Prevents drivers safety errors
  • Affordable compared with other systems in the market

How does i-Stop work?

i-Stop is an electronic stop brace that transmits the truck’s wheel safety data to a control unit that monitors electromechanical systems within the Logistics center. It can also work with a ramp without an electric door using the safety traffic lights. 

As long as the truck’s wheel is not secured, the electric door inside the logistics center will not open, preventing load / unload of the truck. A green light will be lit in the direction of the truck driver, and a red light will light up inside the logistics center near the ramp door


When the truck’s wheel is secured there will be 3 actions: 

  1. It will be possible to open an electric door within the logistics center in a controlled and secure manner.
  2. A green light will light up inside the logistics center, allowing the forklift driver to start working (the wheel is secure). 
  3. A red light will be lit on the outside of the loading door to inform the truck driver not to move while work is taking place inside!

i-Stop Matrix:

  • Saves energy costs
  • Effective operational time
  • Strengthen security

All logistics operation data and safety information are available on your mobile device and your command & control unit. The world’s first information system that constantly monitors all truck activities in logistics centers
including any specific needed operation, logistics performed and safety measures taken.

i-Stop Matriz Overview & Features:

  • Customized software covering no limit of operational docks
  • Detects the arrival and displays the order of getting into the
    loading dock
  • Get in real-time, smart alerts of any information: the status of
    the door, the loading/unloading process
  • Warms of failure to open a door (loss of time = loss of money
    = less security)
  • Available on any mobile phone
  • State of battery charging in the i-Stop system
  • It is possible to interface with existing WMS system

System Advantage:


  • Compatible with any existing logistics site
  • Does not require prior preparations or adjustments
  • Optimizes existing operational, logistics and safety methods
  • Provides real-time information + situation analysist that
    optimizes loading/unloading methods
  • Incorporating the most advanced logistics safety measures

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